Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sprint now offering RIM BlackBerry Bold 9650

Black Berry Bold 9650

Today Sprint announced the availability of Research in Motion's BlackBerry Bold 9650 smartphone. The WiFi-enabled Bold 9650 will cost $199.99 after rebates and with a two-year service agreement.

Coming soon Garmin-Asus nuvifone A10

Just recently, we did a quick take of Garmin-Asus' second Android smartphone, the nuvifone A10. Although breaking down the device specifications gave us an overview of what the phone is capable of, it doesn't say much about the end-user experience. But we convinced Garmin-Asus to loan us a prototype to find out more. The software seems to be rather stable and ready for primetime as far as we can observe, even though it's not due for commercial release yet. So bear in mind that some of the features we mention here may or may not be available when the A10 starts shipping